Ode to the library

I'm finding it. I'm looking at it. The words touch a sensitive point and it collapsed, not even a breath taken. It's inert and swallowed. The walls of books don't beckon you, don't swallow you. The boundaries between us a stiff fence.

The air falls upwards and the energy is static. A tiny spider swings on its web and I stiffen, careful not to snap it. Open the doors and you'll walk within them nary a slap. I love you and I love this building. Watch a movie on your phone and we'll smile. The bell will ring just in time and we'll leave.

Ode to the beach

It's such a long way to the water. Sit, sit. Passive the scenery so solid and stationary. It's more grown up than us, it's more mature than us. Baby, don't sit. We will stand and push the air.

The space in the ceiling didn't bow down to us. The limitless ceiling didn't talk down to us. Baby, I'm sorry for stressing you out. Be my friend again.

Ode to the forest

Blue the air. Bright and keen. Kiss the air till it's green. Sliden down the pathway. You'll pick me back up. I'll pull you up the ravine and we'll eat evergreen.

Sparkle the stream. Eyes open wide eating the ray. You'll see. I was mean and touched the bark. It wasn't enough to squeeze the moss.

Ode to the desk

Stay up, the plane cuts through the musty room. My lazy eye finds no work here. Look at what you've done. The quality tempers the heat. Chew the ball and swallow it down.

Rise, from the arms akimbo on the desk. Snort a globule of air and ride the occasion. We transferred heat from one desk to another. I was happy.